Shell (unix) commands you always forget
This is a list of typical commands that I often have to Google because I forget either their usage or important flags.
Using grep
with perl type regex
ls | grep -P "dirNo\d\d$"
Using the -P
flag lets you search for more advanced regex expressions. Other useful grep flags:
ignore case-o
print only matching-v
invert matching-A number
show lines after match-B number
show lines before match
Using grep
without pipe
grep "hell\w" . -R
searches after pattern hell\w
in current directory and sub-directories. Add -h
to ignore filenames in output.
For loops - range
for ((i = 1; i<=10; i++)); do echo $i; done
For loops - command
for v in `ls`; do echo $v; done
Bash script for traversing arguments and line breaks
SENTENCES="line 1${IFS}line2${IFS}line3"
for arg in "$@" # for all input arguments
#automatically loops through line breaks duo to IFS value
for s in $SENTENCES
echo "$arg=$s"
Simple sed
Search and replace file content:
sed -i "s/<searchpattern>/<replace>/g" <files>
From pipe and print result:
sed -n "s/<searchpattern>/<replace>/p"
To replace matched regex groups, use \1, \2 and so on.
Finding size of subfolders, sorted.
du -h -d 1 | sort -hr
du -h d -1
is the disc usage command with the-h
flag for outputting human readable sizes and-d 1
for depth of 1 sub dirs.sort -hr
sorts human readable sizes in reverse order.