Logging is an essential part of programming, and in Java, you are bound to run into slf4j and log4j some time. Even if you have no idea what they actually do, you are probably using them already. And you may have even used some time to learn how to configure...
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Trying to clean up your unix? The following lists all commands and aliases in your terminal and sorts them based on their last modified date: compgen -c | xargs type -a | awk '{print $3}' | xargs stat -f "%m%t%Sm %N" | sort -rn | cut -f2- Command Explaination compgen...
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Main article can be found here. When doing my research on how graph databases work, I eventually discovered that there are at least two kinds of graph databases that differ on how they store and process graph data. I was surprised because I thought that there could not be many...
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Main article can be found here. In a previous post, it was argued that graph databases are superior to RDMS on connected data because, RDMS has to do lots of joins. In this post we will look into why. So, why are joins not a problem for Neo4j? The neat...
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Main article can be found here. A DBMS can join in many different ways and two of the most common ones are nested loop join and hash join. All joins are performed two tables at a time, even if more tables are described in the query. This means that in...
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Main article can be found here. RDMS stores data record on disc I/O heap in blocks. To efficiently find the records, indexes are used which help locate the data, or else the system has to search every record until it finds what you are looking for. An index is any...
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